Monday, March 29, 2010

Animals in Springtime

We have a dog named Vinegar. He's a miniature, black, Schnauzer. He's about 9 years old in people years.  We recently got a cat. We named him Piss. Just kidding - funny though huh? I'm not sure what his name is anymore. I think it started out as Zipper but I just call him Fatty.

The animals spent the majority of the last 3 months like this:

But then last week the sun started to shine and while Vinegar didn't move very far, my friend Fatty did. The minute I opened the window he appeared.

This is my "Grandma Chair". He loves it almost more than I do. Don't move it too far from the window. He will fall.

The reason he is called Fatty should be obvious here.

He sat here. And sat here. And sat here.

He cried for his kids to come home and to PLEASE let him out into the spring.

All day he sat. Mostly he just sat but sometimes he sat and cried. That was the most pitiful sound I'd heard in quite some time.


I think maybe the birds are out too.  It might be a long spring.

Madame R and her dad have made a cat shelf for Fatty. He prefers the chair. My camera batteries died however so pics of the FABULOUS shelf will have to wait.

By the time it got dark though...

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